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Mai mult decât un candidat

Mai mult decât un candidat bun prieten pe care îl știu de pe vremea liceului mi-a trimis azi un e-mail  care cred că merită reprodus integral.



Dragi prieteni de departe,

Acum cativa ani am hotarat sa ma stabilesc in Romania. Am fost constient ca nu va fi suficient sa imi vad de profesia si familia mea, ci va trebui sa ma implic pentru a mai indrepta din lucrurile care merg prost pe aici. Iar acum a venit momentul sa sustin o persoana care candideaza la Primaria Bucurestiului. Nu am zis politician, pentru ca Nicusor Dan nu este un politician, ci:
– matematician – castigator a doua medalii de aur la Olimpiada Internationala de Matematica, doctorat in matematica la Universitatea Paris XIII, cercetator la Institutul de Matematica al Academiei Romane;
– educator – a administrat timp de 6 ani Scoala Normala Superioara din Bucuresti (, prima incercare de a crea o instiutie de invatamant superior de calibru international prin cooptarea de profesori de talie internationala din
Romania si strainatate;
– activist civic – fondator al Ascotiatiei Salvati Bucurestiul ( prin care s-a luptat pentru a preveni demolarea cladirilor istorice, construirii in parcuri; de asemenea a facut lobby pentru schimbarea legii urbanismului, care s-a concretizat printr-o noua lege ce impune conditii mai stricte pentru emiterea autorizatiilor de constructie;
La inceputul acestui an s-a hotarat sa candideze ca independent la Primaria Bucurestiului cu scopul de a pune capat risipei din primarie si de a oferi o viziune de dezvoltare a orasului. Conditiile din legea electorala pentru candidatii independenti sunt foarte potrivnice, pentru primaria capitalei fiind nevoie de strangerea unui numar de 36.000 de semnaturi intr-un interval de cateva saptamani, dar printr-o mobilizare a oamenilor carora le pasa de acest oras s-a reusit strangerea a 53.000 de semnaturi si astfel Nicusor Dan a devenit candidat oficial la postul de primar general, cat si la cel de
consilier general.
Stiu ca unii dintre voi ati crescut in Bucuresti, altii ati studiat aici, sau poate unii doar l-ati tranzitat in fuga in drum spre aeroport. Daca Bucurestiul mai inseamna ceva pentru voi, atunci ati putea sa ne ajutati sa sprijinim acest candidat remarcabil:
– spuneti-le rudelor si prietenilor vostri din Bucuresti de Nicusor Dan;
– scrieti pe blogurile voastre si pe facebook despre el, dati like pe pagina oficiala a campaniei:
– donati pentru campania lui (conditia e sa mai fiti inca cetateni romani), detalii aici:
Sunt sigur ca va castiga locul de consilier general, pentru primar insa va fi o lupta grea, dar trebuie sa le aratam ca „suntem mai multi decat cred ei!”

Va multumesc,


S-au plâns mulți de calitatea politicienilor români din ultimii 20 de ani; iată deci unul din primii politicieni răsăriți din societatea civilă. Am răsfoit site-ul lui Nicușor Dan, și cred că merită susținut.

Letter to my younger self

Letter to my younger self

For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


If you can read this, then the time machine worked. Also, it’s really me. I mean you. On your first summer holiday, you found that knife with the shiny red handle and there was nobody around to see you take it, but you put it back anyway. See? It’s really me. That is, you, but twenty years older. So listen.

First and foremost, stop worrying so much about all that petty crap. Everything works out fine in the end. Laugh some more, relax, live a little. Your good friends will remain your friends twenty years down the line. The assholes will be virtually forgotten by the time you get to college. So there.

Also, the cute little blonde girl that you fell in love with in 9th grade? Just have the guts to tell her outright – the sooner, the better. Sticking around like a love-sick puppy never solves anything. You’ll end up telling her anyway – right before you leave for college – and she’ll laugh it off and you’ll stay friends. The only thing unrequited love is good for is poetry. And your high-school poetry sucks.

Let your hair grow just like you always wanted. There’ll come a time when sadly that won’t be an option any more.

Go see your grandparents while they’re still around. They love you and your sister more than anything else in the world. You’ll be out of the country soon, and you don’t get to visit much. No, I’m not telling you where you end up. Spoilers, you know.

Spend more time with dad. He’s not going to be around for much longer. Get him to quit smoking, if you can. Also, stop talking and start listening every once in a while. Not everything is a contest of wills, and you don’t need to get your way every damn time. Might even be better in the long run if you don’t.

Be fair with others and treat them with respect, even when it’s so tempting to do otherwise. Don’t forget that people that love you get hurt the most. And when that time comes when you have no idea where you’re going (I promise you, you’ll know), just figure it out by yourself. Don’t take other people along for the ride. They only get hurt in the end.

Did you know that the metabolism slows down in your twenties? Neither did I. Now you have no excuse to stop exercising. Get a bike. Trust me, it pays off.

Hope this little letter won’t change our lives so much that the created paradox blows me out of existence. Or ends the universe as we know it. I tried to keep it as spoiler-free as possible; I’m only telling you things that you’re going to figure out by yourself later anyway. Well, duh. Have a nice life, mate. See you in twenty years.

* * *

Oh, what the hell. BUY GOOGLE!

Road warrior

Road warrior

For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

This guy is quite possibly one of the best drivers in the world:

Hey, I didn’t say „fastest”, ok? But given a choice between him and a testosterone-pumped executive zig-zagging through traffic in his shiny new Beemer, which of them would you rather have on the road with you?

This requires further study. I’m totally going to book it a place on my commute.